
What a Tooth-Colored Dental Crown Is Made Of

If a dentist recommends a tooth-colored dental crown, then they are most likely referring to a ceramic crown. This type of crown is generally used for more visible teeth in the mouth that are used less for chewing purposes. A […] Continue Reading

Why You Should Get a Kid Friendly Dentist for Your Child

A kid-friendly dentist treats the specific oral care needs children have. They focus on the prevention of dental cavities and other common oral health concerns, along with educating child patients on how to practice good oral hygiene to help them […] Continue Reading

Cosmetic Dentistry for Worn Teeth

Cosmetic dentistry also addresses worn teeth. As you know, teeth become worn from years of use. Worn teeth tend to chip, crack, or become misshapen. Any patient would want to have a newer, fresher smile. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, this […] Continue Reading

How Are CERECĀ® Crowns Made?

CEREC® crowns have grown in popularity over the last few years. More and more general dentists are choosing to offer these dental crowns as they are backed with an array of benefits that other dental restorations do not have. However, […] Continue Reading

What Are Same-day Dental Implants?

Dental implants surgery usually takes months to complete because the surgeons have to wait until the jawbone and gums heal before they can attach the artificial teeth to the implants. Even though this method is very successful, some people do […] Continue Reading

When to Have an X-Ray Done For Your Child at a Family Dentist

One of the concerns parents often have about their children is the need to get a dental x-ray at the family dentist.

Sedation Dentistry: What Your Dentist May Offer

Many people postpone preventive or necessary dental procedures due to fear, but fortunately, sedation dentistry can help. Technological advances and newer techniques have made procedures almost pain-free. If you find yourself avoiding the dentist’s office out of fear, you can […] Continue Reading

When Are Fillings Used as a Dental Restoration?

Like many people, you may have gotten dental restoration before. There are many types of treatments you could receive, depending on the issues you have. Fillings are common for children and adults alike. If you have never had one, it […] Continue Reading

Is a Dental Implant Considered Surgery?

Find out whether a dental implant procedure is considered surgical and what patients should know about this tooth replacement process.

Adjustments for Partial Dentures

For many people, dentures help them eat and speak normally while going through life.