As a sedation dentist in Bellevue, we are changing the way that people receive dental care. Traditionally, dentists perform treatments while a patient is fully aware. We will sometimes administer local anesthesia with a shot in the gums of the specific quadrant that we are working on. This is effective but getting a shot can often lead people to have anxiety as can being aware of the procedure itself. We offer another solution using sedation.
Sedation dentistry: The benefits
anyone who avoids visiting the dentist needs to seek dental care and let the dentist know. The dentist is not going to judge and is more concerned with helping the patient than with lecturing. This is incredibly common since so many people are fearful of the dental drill or the overall experience. Sedation will help the patient to relax so that it will not be overwhelming. This is especially important after being in an accident in which the tooth sustains severe damage and needs immediate attention.
For example, if one chips or cracks a tooth in a car wreck, leaving it exposed will allow an infection to form. In this scenario, it is likely that one will end up with a severe toothache, needing a root canal and a dental restoration. If one visits our office immediately and allows us to restore the tooth, we can prevent an infection from ever starting. Some of the common restorations that we offer include:
- Dental crowns that cap the tooth
- Dental veneers that bond to the surface of the teeth
- Dental implants to replace the tooth root
All of these restorative procedures and more can be completed while the patient is under sedation.
How to benefit from visiting a sedation dentist
Upon visiting our dental office, we can provide one with oral sedation. A small pill that one takes an hour before the treatment begins, oral sedation is an alternative that makes the patient feel relaxed and comfortable. Some of our patients feel drowsy and fall asleep while others do not really remember what happened during the dental treatment. A patient will still be in control of his or her body and be able to respond to commands, but the experience will be a pleasant one. For most of our patients, this can make the difference of a dental appointment being stressful or entirely relaxing.
One of the reasons that we like to administer sedation is that it makes it possible for us to perform all of the dental procedures a patient needs in one visit. When patients are anxious, it makes it so that we often need to break up the treatments into several appointments. This is entirely possible, but it is inconvenient for our patients.
Needing to stretch out the treatment time means that one may need to take more time off of work and may delay the overall recovery time. By simply providing sedation, this inconvenience can be avoided entirely. For more information or to see a sedation dentist, give us a call at (425) 249-9186.
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